Section: New Results
Highlights of the Year
E. Altman has received the “Isaacs' Award” granted by the International Society on Dynamic Games in recognition for his research on dynamic game theory.
M. El Chamie got the Best Session Presentation Award at the IEEE American Control Conference ACC 2014 for the paper “Newton's method for constrained norm minimization and its application to weighted graph problems,” co-authored with G. Neglia.
THANES is a new French-Brazilian joint-team between Maestro and researchers from Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Carneggie Mellon Univ. (USA). The team investigates network science problems with a particular focus on Online Social Networks.
Best Papers Awards :
[43] Pay few, influence most: Online myopic network covering in 6th IEEE INFOCOM International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (NetSciCom).K. Avrachenkov, P. Basu, G. Neglia, B. Ribeiro, D. Towsley.
[70] On the Complexity of Optimal Electric Vehicles Recharge Scheduling in 4th IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications (GreenComm).
C. Rottondi, G. Neglia, G. Verticale.