Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence:

    • S. Alouf, “Probability”, 38.5H, 1st year Water Engineering degree (L3), Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.

    • M. El Chamie, “Mathematics”, 18H, Miage (L3), UNS, France.

    • M. El Chamie, “Networks”, 22H, Computer Science Program (L3), UNS, France.

    • M. El Chamie, “Programmation Web - Aspect Serveur”, 16.5H, Computer Science Program (L1), UNS, France.

    • G. Neglia, “Statistics”, 14H, 1st year Water Engineering degree (L3), UNS, France.

  • Master:

    • S. Alouf, “Performance Evaluation of Networks”, 31.5H, M2 IFI Ubinet, UNS, France.

    • M. El Chamie, “Réseaux Couches Basses”, 13.5H, M1 Miage, UNS, France.

    • M. Haddad, “Information theory”, 16H, M1, Univ. of Avignon, France.

    • G. Neglia, “Performance Evaluation of Networks”, 31.5H, M2 IFI Ubinet, UNS, France.

    • G. Neglia, responsible for the “Winter School on Complex Networks”, 42H, M1 Computer Science, UNS, France.

  • Doctorat:

    • A. Jean-Marie, “Advanced Markov Modeling”, 18H, Univ. of Montpellier 2, France.


  • PhD:

    • Nicaise Choungmo Fofack, “On Models for Performance Analysis of a Core Cache Network and Power Save of a Wireless Access Network” [10] , Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), 21 February 2014, Advisors: Sara Alouf and Philippe Nain.

    • Mahmoud El Chamie, “Optimization, Control, and Game Theoretical Problems in Consensus Protocols” [11] , Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), 21 November 2014, Advisors: Konstantin Avrachenkov and Giovanni Neglia.

    • Julien Gaillard, “Recommendation Systems: Dynamic Adaptation and Argumentation”, Univ. of Avignon et Pays du Vaucluse (UAPV), 10 December 2014, Advisors: Eitan Altman, Marc El-Beze and Emmanuel Ethis.

    • Olivia Morad, “Prefetching Control for On-Demand Contents Distribution: A Markov Decision Process Study”, Univ. of Montpellier 2, 17 September 2014, Advisor: Alain Jean-Marie.

    • Marina Sokol, “Clustering and learning tecnhiques for traffic/user classification” [12] , Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), 29 April 2014, Advisors: Paulo Gonçalves (Inria project-team Dante ) and Philippe Nain.

  • PhD in progress:

    • Alberto Benegiamo, “Mathematical tools for smart grids,” 1 November 2013, advisors: Patrick Loiseau (Eurecom) and Giovanni Neglia.

    • Ilaria Brunetti, “Cooperative and competitive content dissemination in social networks,” 1 October 2012, advisor: Eitan Altman.

    • Arun Kadavankandy, “Random Matrix Theory and Complex Networks,” 5 March 2014, advisors: Konstantin Avrachenkov and Laura Cottatellucci (Eurecom).

    • Jithin Kazhuthuveettil Sreedharan, “Diffusion processes in complex networks,” 23 July 2013, advisor: Konstantin Avrachenkov.

    • Hlib Mykhailenko, “Probabilistic approaches for big data analysis,” 1 May 2014, advisors: Fabrice Huet (Scale team) and Philippe Nain.

    • Yonathan Portilla, “Analysis of social networks,” 1 January 2012, advisor: Eitan Altman.

    • Alexandre Reiffers, “Modelling competition and cooperation in telecommunication networks,” 15 October 2012, advisor: Eitan Altman.

    • Abdoulaye Tall, “Self organisation in wireless networks,” 1 December 2012, advisors: Eitan Altman and Zwi Altman (Orange Labs).


Maestro members participated in the Habilitation (HDR) thesis committees of (in alphabetical order):

Marceau Coupechoux: 26 May 2014, Telecom ParisTech, (E. Altman as examiner);

and in the Ph.D. committees of (in alphabetical order):

Nicaise Choungmo Fofack: 21 February 2014, Inria, Sophia Antipolis (S. Alouf and P. Nain as advisors, G. Neglia as invited member);

Mahmoud El Chamie: 21 November 2014, Inria, Sophia Antipolis (K. Avrachenkov and G. Neglia as advisors);

Dariush Fooladivanda: 18 July 2014, Univ. of Waterloo (E. Altman as reviewer);

Julien Gaillard: 10 December 2014, Univ. of Avignon (E. Altman as advisor);

Arnob Ghosh: 16 December 2014, Univ. of Pennsylvania (E. Altman as examiner);

Stefano Iellamo: 4 December 2014, Telecom ParisTech (E. Altman as examiner);

Benjamin Larrousse: 11 December 2014, Univ. Paris Sud (E. Altman as examiner);

Olivia Morad: 17 September 2014, Univ. of Montpellier 2 (A. Jean-Marie as advisor);

Renaud Sallantin: 29 September 2014, IRIT Toulouse (K. Avrachenkov as reviewer);

Tatiana Seregina: 18 November 2014, LAAS, Toulouse (K. Avrachenkov as reviewer);

Marina Sokol: 29 April 2014, Inria, Sophia Antipolis (P. Nain as advisor);