Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Selection Committees, AERES
François Charpillet was member of two selection committees in University of Lyon and Lorraine University
François Charpillet was member of the AERES evaluation commitee for IRIT, Toulouse and LISSI, Université Paris Est.
Organizing committee membership
François Charpillet is member of the scientific concil of the Robotic GDR.
Vincent Thomas was part of the organizing committee of the "Expressive game seminar", held in Metz, the 24th and 25th of November ( ). This international seminar involved two laboratories of the university of Lorraine, the CREM (Centre de recherche sur les médiations) and the LORIA. It gathered international specialists of game design and was part of the PEPS Majestic research program.
Vincent Thomas was part of the organizing committee of the conference "From traditional game to digital game" ( ), held in Nancy, the 26th, 27th and 28th of November.
Scientific events selection
Conference program committee membership
Amine Boumaza was a member of the program committee of the following international conferences: GECCO'14 (The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference), CEC'14 (Congress on Evolutionary Computation), Alife'14 Int. Conf. on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. He was a member of the jury of the AFIA thesis award.
Olivier Buffet was a reviewer for the conferences ECAI'14 (European Conference on Articial Intelligence), ICAPS'14 (International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling), UAI'14 (International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence), JFPDA'14 (Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l'Action pour le contrôle de systèmes), RFIA'14 (conférence sur la reconnaissance des formes et l'intelligence artificielle).
François Charpillet was member of the program committees for : Macorex workshop at ECAI'14, MSDM 2014 at AAMAS'14, SENSORNETS 2015, ICAART 2015.
Vincent Chevrier was a reviewer for IAT'14 (IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology), ACRI'14 ABSim&CA (International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, Agent-Based Simulation & Cellular Automata Workshop) JFSMA'14 (Journées francophones sur les Systèmes multi-Agents).
Francis Colas was member of the program committee of SAB2014 (Simulation of Adaptive Behaviors).
Alain Dutech was a reviewer for the conferences JFPDA'14 (Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l'Action pour le contrôle de systèmes), and ECAI'14 (European Conference on Articial Intelligence).
Nazim Fatès was a member of the program committe of the international conferences: ACRI'14 (11th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry), and the following workshops: ACA'14 (Third International Workshop on Asynchronous Cellular Automata and Asynchronous Discrete Models ) and ABSim&CA'14 (First International Workshop on Agent-Based Simulation & Cellular Automata), ANTS'14 (Ninth Int. Conf. on Swarm Intelligence).
Bruno Scherrer was part of the program committee for for the international conferences NIPS'14 (Neural Information Processing Systems), ECAI'14 (European Conference on Artificial Intelligence) and MED'14 (Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation), for the international NIPS'14 Workshop "From Bad Models to Good Policies", and for the French conferences CAP'14 (Conférence d'apprentissage automatique) and JFPDA'14 (Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l'Action pour le contrôle de systèmes).
Vincent Thomas was a reviewer for JFPDA'14 (Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l'Action pour le contrôle de systèmes).
Serena Ivaldi was associate editor for the conference Humanoids 2014 (International Conference on Humanoid Robots).
Reviewing activities
François Charpillet was reviewer for the IROS 2014 (IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) and ICRA 2015 (IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation), ASROB at IROS 2014, Macorex workshop at ECAI'14, MSDM 2014 at AAMAS'14, SENSORNETS 2015, ICAART 2015.
Francis Colas was reviewer for the IROS 2014 (IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) and ICRA 2015 (IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation).
Nazim Fatès was a reviewer for the ALIFE'14 and MOSIM'14 conferences.
Serena Ivaldi was reviewer for the HRI'15 conference (International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction).
Editorial board membership
Amine Boumaza is a review editor of the International Journal Frontiers in Robotics and AI: Evolutionary Robotics.
Olivier Buffet is a member of the editorial boards of the “revue d'intelligence artificielle” (RIA), and the “Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research” (JAIR).
Serena Ivaldi is a review editor of the International Journal Frontiers in Robotics and AI: Humanoid Robotics. She is co-organiser of the Special Issue on “Whole-body control of contacts for Humanoid Robots” in the Autonomous Robots journal.
Reviewing activities
Amine Boumaza was a reviewer for the Evolutionary Intelligence journal.
Olivier Buffet was a reviewer for the journals: AIJ (Artificial Intelligence Journal), JAIR (Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research), and Neurocomputing.
François Charpillet was a reviewer for Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
Vincent Chevrier was a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC),
Francis Colas was a reviewer for the Autonomous Robots journal.
Alain Dutech was a reviewer for RIA (Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle), EJOR (European Journal of Operationnal Research), and JAIR (Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research).
Nazim Fatès was a reviewer for Natural Computing, Theoretical Computer Science and Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences, Sec. A, India.
Serena Ivaldi was a reviewer for the journals: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Autonomous Robots, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
Bruno Scherrer made reviews for the following journals: Journal of Machine Learning Research, Annals of Operations Research, Applied Mathematics & Optimization and IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
Vincent Thomas was a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.