Section: New Results
Highlights of the Year
Benoît Perthame was invited as plenary speaker for the International Congress of Mathematicians ICM 2014 (Seoul, ), that attracted more than 5000 participants. This is the first time that a mathematician working in mathematics applied to biology was invited at ICM, which is the most prestigious conference for mathematicians of all fields. This represents a consecration both for Benoît Perthame's work and for the MAMBA team, and more generally for the whole domain of mathematics applied to biology.
Marie Doumic was a plenary speaker at the ECMTB 2014 (Göteborg, 600 participants).
Dirk Drasdo was invited speaker at the Systems Biology of Human Diseases conference (Harvard University, ).
Five articles are noteworthy in terms of bibliometry:
(Impact factor 11.2) F. SCHLIESS, S. HOEHME, S. HENKEL, A. GHALLAB, D. DRIESCH, J. BÖTTGER, R. GUTHKE, M. PFAFF, J. HENGSTLER, R. GEBHARDT, D. HÄUSSINGER, D. DRASDO, S. ZELLMER. Integrated metabolic spatial-temporal model for the prediction of ammonia detoxification during liver damage and regeneration, Hepatology, Dec. 2014, vol. 60, no 6, pp. 2040-2051, [17]
(Impact factor 10.4) D. DRASDO, S. HOEHME, J. G. HENGSTLER. How predictive quantitative modeling of tissue organization can inform liver disease pathogenesis, Journal of Hepatology, Oct. 2014, vol. 61, no 4, pp. 951-956 [DOI : 10.1016/J.JHEP.2014.06.013], [7]
(Impact factor 10.7) S.R.K. VEDULA, G. PEYRET, I. CHEDDADI, T. CHEN, A. BRUGUÉS, H. HIRATA, H. LOPEZ-MENENDEZ, Y. TOYAMA, L. NEVES DE ALMEIDA, X. TREPAT, C.T. LIM, B. LADOUX. Mechanics of epithelial closure over non-adherent environments, Nature Communications, Jan. 2015, vol. 6, art. number 6111[DOI : 10.1038/ncomms7111], (open access)
(Impact factor 7.5) L. ROBERT, M. HOFFMANN, N. KRELL, S. AYMERICH, J. ROBERT, M. DOUMIC. Division in Escherichia coli is triggered by a size-sensing rather than a timing mechanism, in "BMC Biology", 2014, vol. 12, no 1, 17 p. [DOI : 10.1186/1741-7007-12-17], [16]
(Impact factor 9.3) R. H. CHISHOLM, T. LORENZI, A. LORZ, A. K. LARSEN, L. ALMEIDA, A. ESCARGUEIL, J. CLAIRAMBAULT. Emergence of drug tolerance in cancer cell populations: an evolutionary outcome of selection, nongenetic instability and stress-induced adaptation, Cancer Research (Mathematical oncology), 10p.+suppl. mat., in press, Jan. 2015, [33]