Section: Dissemination

Conference participation

Members of the team have delivered lectures in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:

  • S. Boyaval, Séminaire mathématiques appliquées à RWTH, IGPM, 2014,

  • S. Boyaval, Groupe de travail mathématiques appliquées à Université de Marne la Vallée, LAMA, 2014,

  • C.-E. Bréhier, SPDEs and Applications IX, Trento, Italy, January 2014,

  • C.-E. Bréhier, MCQMC 2014, Leuven, Belgium, April 2014,

  • C.-E. Bréhier, Journées MAS 2014, Toulouse, August 2014,

  • C.-E. Bréhier, Seminar of Numerical Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2014,

  • C.-E. Bréhier, Seminar of Probability and Statistics, Bordeaux, November 2014,

  • S. Brisard, Séminaire LabEx MMCD – Industrie, ENPC, July 2014,

  • S. Brisard, Journées annuelles NEEDS – Milieux Poreux, Paris, December 2014,

  • E. Cancès, CIRM meeting on advanced numerical methods for the simulation of Bose-Einstein condensates, February 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Ki-Net Workshop on mathematical and numerical methods for complex quantum systems, Chicago, March 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Mathematics colloquium, University of Minnesota, April 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Weakly seminar of the chemistry department, University of Minnesota, April 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Weakly seminar of the mathematics department, Bonn, May 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Weakly seminar of the mathematics department, Amiens, June 2014,

  • E. Cancès, IPAM workshop on materials defects, Lake Arrowhead, June 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Oberwolfach workshop on computational multiscale methods, June 2014,

  • E. Cancès, IPAM summer school on Electronic structure theory of materials and (bio)molecules, Los Angeles, July 2014,

  • E. Cancès, International congress of mathematicians (invited lecture), Seoul, August 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Workshop on Solution for solvation, on the occasion of Prof. Tomasi's 80th birthday, Pisa, September 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Annual meeting of the ANR Becasim, Lille, September 2014,

  • E. Cancès, BIRS workshop on multiscale models for crystal defects, Banff, September 2014,

  • E. Cancès, ICERM workshop on high-dimensional approximation, integration and optimization, Providence, October 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Prospects in applied mathematics, Chicago, October 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Workshop on mathematics integrated to industry, Sao Jose dos Campos, November 2014,

  • E. Cancès, X-IHES Laurent Schwartz seminar, November 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Zurich colloquium on applied and computational mathematics, November 2014,

  • E. Cancès, Horizons math 2014, Rueil Malmaison, December 2014,

  • V. Ehrlacher, LJLL workshop on "Sparse tensor methods", University Paris 6, France, January 2014,

  • V. Ehrlacher, Seminar of the mathematics department of Chemnitz University, Chemnitz, Germany, February 2014,

  • V. Ehrlacher, GdR AMORE meeting, ENS Cachan, France, March 2014,

  • V. Ehrlacher, Workshop on "Numerical methods for electronic structure calculations", Berlin, Germany, April 2014,

  • V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Workshop on Materials Defects: Mathematics, Computation and Engineering, Lake Arrowhead, USA, June 2014,

  • V. Ehrlacher, ICOSAHOM conference, Salt Lake City, USA, June 2014,

  • V. Ehrlacher, WCCM conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2014,

  • V. Ehrlacher, Banff workshop on "Multiscale models for crystal defects", Banff, Canada, September 2014,

  • V. Ehrlacher, Journée Forum CEA Incertitudes, CEA DAM Bruyères-le-Chatel, France, September 2014,

  • V. Ehrlacher, LJLL workshop on "Sparse tensor methods", University Paris 6, France, December 2014,

  • D. Gontier, Theoretical and numerical aspects of quantum transport, Aalborg, April 2014,

  • D. Gontier, Mathematical and numerical analysis of electronic structure models, April 2014,

  • D. Gontier, Solid math, Trieste, June 2014,

  • C. Le Bris, Workshop 'Multiscale Problems from Physics, Biology and Materials Science', Shanghai Jiao Tong University, May 28-31, 2014,

  • C. Le Bris, Workshop at the Mittag-Leffler Institute, September 2014,

  • C. Le Bris, Final conference of the SPP 1324, Marburg, November 2014,

  • C. Le Bris, Colloquium of the Imperial College, March 2014,

  • C. Le Bris, Colloquium of the Eindhoven Multiscale Institute, March 2014,

  • C. Le Bris, Outreach Conference of the Series Sciences and Society, Université de Lorraine, Region Lorraine, November 2014,

  • F. Legoll, Weekly seminar, Imperial College, London, February 2014,

  • F. Legoll, Workshop "From atomistic to continuum models in material science", L'Aquila (Italy), April 2014,

  • F. Legoll, Workshop on Computational Aspects of Multiscale Materials Modeling, Evanston (USA), May 2014,

  • F. Legoll, Weekly seminar, Augsburg University, May 2014,

  • F. Legoll, Reunion Conference of the Materials Defects IPAM program, Los Angeles, June 2014,

  • F. Legoll, Oberwolfach workshop "Computational Multiscale Methods", June 2014,

  • F. Legoll, 8th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications, Lugano, July 2014,

  • F. Legoll, AIMS conference, Madrid, July 2014,

  • F. Legoll, WCCM conference, Barcelona, July 2014,

  • F. Legoll, Workshop on Multiscale Models of Crystal Defects, Banff, Sept. 2014,

  • F. Legoll, MMM conference, Berkeley, October 2014,

  • F. Legoll, Journées annuelles NEEDS, Nantes, October 2014,

  • F. Legoll, Atelier du GdR ModMat "De l'atome au code industriel", Marseille, December 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, conference MCMSKI, Chamonix, January 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, conference on applied mathematics, MPI Lepipzig, January 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, séminaire K. Schulten group, Urbana Champaign, January 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, CECAM conference, Lugano, March 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, conférence MCQMC, Leuven, April 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, ICMS lecture, "Computational methods for statistical mechanics", Edinburgh, June 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, Numerical Analysis for Partial Differential Equations, Sussex, June 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, ICMS conference, "Multiscale Computational Methods in Materials Modelling Meeting", Edinburgh, June 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, Oberseminar Analysis, Munich, June 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, Inria TOSCA team seminar, July 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, AIMS conference, Madrid, July 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, ENS Cachan, Séminaire pour les nouveaux normaliens, September 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, ANR Stab conference, Lyon, September 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, CECAM conference, Mainz, October 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, Inria POEM team seminar, Paris, October 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, Statistics Colloquium, Chicago, October 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, Séminaire EDP non linéaires, Université Paris 13, December 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, Séminaire ENS Chimie, Paris, December 2014,

  • W. Minvielle, Weekly seminar, Creteil University, April 2014,

  • W. Minvielle, Summer school on Applied Analysis for Materials, Berlin, September 2014,

  • W. Minvielle, Workshop on Multiscale Models of Crystal Defects, Banff, Sept. 2014,

  • W. Minvielle, Workshop on "Stochastic and multiscale inverse problems", ENPC, October 2-3, 2014,

  • W. Minvielle, MOMAS Conference, Marseille, November 2014,

  • M. Rousset, MCQMC 2014, Leuven, Belgium, April 2014.

  • M. Rousset, AIMS 2014, Madrid, Spain, July 2014.

  • G. Stoltz, workshop “Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models”, Berlin, April 2014,

  • G. Stoltz, workshop “Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Quantum Transport”, Aalborg, Denmark, April 2014,

  • G. Stoltz, 10th AIMS conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Madrid, July 2014,

  • G. Stoltz, seminar of University of Lille, september 2014,

  • G. Stoltz, MOMAS meeting, Marseille, November 2014,

In addition to the above, some members of the team have been invited for stays in institutions abroad:

  • E. Cancès, one month at the University of Minnesota as an Ordway professor.

Members of the team have delivered the following series of lectures:

  • C. Le Bris, Göran Gustafsson Lecturer in Mathematics 2014, KTH, Stockholm,

  • C. Le Bris, Lectures on Numerical stochastic homogenization, 5 hours, RTG Summer School, The University of Chicago, July 2014,

  • C. Le Bris, Lectures on Nonperiodic homogenization of elliptic equations, 6 hours, Berlin Mathematical School, TU Berlin, September 2014,

  • C. Le Bris, Graduate course on 'Model reduction', The University of Chicago, 10 hours, Fall 2014,

  • T. Lelièvre, 2 hours lecture, ICMS "Computational methods for statistical mechanics", Edinburgh, June 2014,

Members of the team have presented posters in the following events:

  • D. Gontier, IPAM summer school on Electronic structure theory of materials and (bio)molecules, Los Angeles, July 2014,

  • W. Minvielle, CANUM 2014, Carry le Rouet, April 2014,

Members of the team have participated (without giving talks nor presenting posters) in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:

  • S. Brisard, 8th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications, Lugano, July 2014,

  • L. Chamoin, séminaire du Collège de France, December 2014,

  • S. Brisard, Journées annuelles NEEDS, Nantes, October 2014,

  • S. Lemaire, Summer school on Applied Analysis for Materials, Berlin, September 2014,

  • F. Madiot, CANUM 2014, Carry-le-Rouet, April 2014,

  • F. Madiot, Inaugural Chicago Summer School in Analysis, Chicago, July 2014,

  • F. Madiot, Summer school on Applied Analysis for Materials, Berlin, September 2014,

  • W. Minvielle, Inaugural Chicago Summer School in Analysis, Chicago, July 2014.