Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

National structures

  • Thierry Colin is elected as a member of the national committee of the French Universities (CNU). It is a national structure that has in charge a peer review of the carriers of mathematicians in France.

  • Olivier Saut is the head of the GDR Metice (Mathématiques appliquées aux espéces, tissus et cellules).

  • C. Poignard is elected member of the Evaluation Committee of Inria. He is also Principal Investigator of the European Lab EBAM

Scientific events organisation

General chair, Scientific chair
Member of the conference program committee
  • S. Benzekry, member of the scientific committee of the MB2 conference (bio-mathematics workshop organized in Besancon, July 7-10, 2015)


Member of the editorial board

Thierry Colin is a a member of the following scientific boards:

  • 2001- : "Mathématiques et Applications", Springer-SMAI, 70 livres parus à ce jour.

  • 2011- : Revue CPAA.

  • 2012- : Revue Computational Surgery (Springer).

  • 2012- : Comité éditorial de SIAM NEWS.

  • 2014 - : Revue Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering.