Section: New Software and Platforms

Other MC2 codes

  • Penalization techniques on cartesian grids to solve incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

    • Vortex: sequential, Vortex In-Cell (VIC) scheme : hybrid vortex methods based on the combination of Lagrangian mesh-free schemes and Eulerian grid based schemes on the same flow region.

    • Unstructured body fitted meshes

    • Richards : 2D Unstructured finite element code, implicit solver, sequential, to solve the transport-diffusion equations through a porous media including tidal forcing and mechanisms of diagenesis.

    • development inside FluidBox software in collaboration with BACCHUS. 2D-3D unstructured meshes, Stabilized Finite Elements method (SUPG), RANS turbulence model, parallel: Domain Decomposition and MPI.

  • Immersed boundary techniques for:

    • Compressible flows : 2D-3D finite volume scheme for compressible Euler equations with solid obstacles on cartesian grids. 3D code parallelized with MPI

    • Elliptic problems : 2 2D-3D finite difference scheme for elliptic interface problems, parallelized with PETSc

    • Elmo. C++ Code of Finite Differences on cartesian grid parallelized with PETSC to compute the electropermeabilisation of cells in 2D and 3D.