Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
IMB - Université de Bourgogne, Dijon
The team is officially a common team with University of Nice, but also has very strong links with Université de Bourgogne and IMB (Institute of Mathematics in Burgundy). Bernard Bonnard is currently on leave from Université de Bourgogne; Jean-Baptiste Caillau collaborates actively with us; there is also an active common seminar . A formal convention between Inria and Université de Bourgogne has been signed in 2014. It makes the IMB control team a part of McTAO as of January, 2015.
Explosys (franco-german ANR project)
Bernard Bonnard is a memebr of this project, accepted in October, 2014. The coordinators are Dominique Sugny (Dijon) and Stefen Glaser (Munich). The budget is approximately 500 K€.
Bernard Bonnard and Ludovic Rifford participate in the GDR MOA, a CNRS network on Mathematics of Optimization and Applications. .
Jean-Baptiste Caillau is in the board of governors of the group SMAI-MODE ( ).
Jean-Baptiste Caillau is a member of the Centre de Compétences Techniques (CCT) Mécanique orbitale du CNES
Jean-Baptiste Caillau is the corresponding member in Dijon for the Labex AMIES ( ).