Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
general chair, scientific chair
Panayotis Mertikopoulos was technical program co-chair of WiOpt '14: the 12-th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks.
Bruno Gaujal was the technical program chair of EAP 2014, Sophia-Antipolis.
Bruno Gaujal, Florence Perronnin and Jean-Marc Vincent organized a Marmote workshop, July 9-10, 2014.
Nicolas Gast organized a Quanticol workshop, April 14, 2014.
Arnaud Legrand organized the Summer School on Performance Metrics, Modeling and Simulation of Large HPC Systems, Sophia-Antopolis, June 2014.
Jean-Marc Vincent organized the Licia Workshop in Grenoble, Oct. 2014.
member of the organizing committee
Arnaud Legrand was a workshop organizer of the 1st workshop on reproducibility in parallel computing.
Olivier Richard was an organizer of the 2st event “Realis 2014 : Reproductibilité expérimentale pour l’informatique en parallélisme, architecture et système” during Compas 14.
Scientific events selection
member of the conference program committee
Panayotis Mertikopoulos was member of the program committee of Valuetools 2014 and NetGCoop 2014.
Bruno Gaujal was member of the program committee of of Sigmetrics 2014, Wodes 2014 and Performance 2014.
Nicolas Gast was member of the program comittee of E-Energy 2014 and ValueTools 2014.
Arnaud Legrand served on the committee of Compas 2014, ICPP and HiPC.
Jean-Marc Vincent served in the committee of ASMTA 2014, SimulTech 2014, Epew 2014.
Olivier Richard served on the committe of Compas 2014, CARLA 2014/First HPCLATAM, Grid'5000 School, Euro-Par2014WS, HPCS-14.
Team members served as reviewers for: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Advances in Applied Probability, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Theory, Theoretical Economics, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Mathematics of Operations Research, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Automatica, CCPE, IEEE Transactions on Communication, Journal of Grid Computing.