Section: New Results
Game Theory and Distributed Optimization
In wireless networks, channel conditions of and user quality of service (QoS) requirements vary, often quite arbitrarily, with time (e.g. due to user mobility, fading, etc.) In this dynamic setting, static solution concepts (such as Nash equilibrium) are no longer relevant. Hence, we focus on the concept of no-regret : policies that perform at least as well as the best fixed transmit profile in hindsight. In [21] , we examine the performance of the seminal Foschini–Miljanic (FM) power control scheme in a random environment. We provide a formulation of power control as an online optimization problem and we show that the FM dynamics lead to no regret in this dynamic context. We introduce an adjusted version of the FM algorithm which retains the convergence and no-regret properties of the original algorithm in this constrained setting. In [27] , we examine the problem of cost / energy-efficient power allocation in uplink multi-carrier orthogonal frequency-division multiple access wireless networks. We use tools from stochastic convex programming to develop a learning scheme that retains its convergence properties irrespective of the magnitude of the observational errors. In [11] , we consider a cognitive radio network where wireless users with multiple antennas communicate over several non-interfering frequency bands. We draw on the method of matrix exponential learning and online mirror descent techniques to derive a no-regret policy that relies only on local channel state information.
In game theory, the best-response strategy of a player is a strategy that maximizes the selfish payoff of this player. A natural and popular question is, when players update their strategy over time, do they converge to a Nash equilibrium. In [15] , we characterize the revision sets in different variants of the best response algorithm that guarantee convergence to pure Nash Equilibria in potential games. We prove that if the revision protocol is separable, then the greedy version as well as smoothed versions of the algorithm converge to pure Nash equilibria. If the revision protocol is not separable, then convergence to Nash Equilibria may fail in both cases. In [43] , we investigate a class of reinforcement learning dynamics in which each player plays a "regularized best response" to a score vector consisting of his actions' cumulative payoffs. Our main results extend several properties of the replicator dynamics such as the elimination of dominated strategies, the asymptotic stability of strict Nash equilibria and the convergence of time-averaged trajectories to interior Nash equilibria in zero-sum games.