Section: New Results
Diagnosability under Weak Fairness
In partially observed Petri nets, diagnosis is the task of detecting whether or not the given sequence of observed labels indicates that some unobservable fault has occurred. Diagnosability is an associated property of the Petri net, stating that in any possible execution an occurrence of a fault can eventually be diagnosed. In [35] we consider diagnosability under the weak fairness (WF) assumption, which intuitively states that no transition from a given set can stay enabled forever; it must eventually either fire or be disabled. Following our previous work [71] on how to perform weak diagnosis by exploiting the fact that weak fairness reveals faults in parallel with the current observation, sometimes even before their actual accurrence, we turn to the associated diagnosability problem in [35] . First, we show that a previous approach to WF-diagnosability in the literature has a major flaw, and present a corrected notion. Moreover, we present an efficient method for verifying WF-diagnosability based on a reduction to LTL-X model checking. An important advantage of this method is that the LTL-X formula is fixed ? in particular, the WF assumption does not have to be expressed as a part of it (which would make the formula length proportional to the size of the specification), but rather one exploits the ability of existing model checkers to handle weak fairness directly.