Section: New Results
Lightweight Streaming Middleware for the Internet of Things
Participants : Benjamin Billet, Valérie Issarny.
The IoT raises many challenges related to its very large scale and high dynamicity, as well as the great heterogeneity of the data and systems involved (e.g., powerful versus resource-constrained devices, mobile versus fixed devices, continuously-powered versus battery-powered devices, etc.). These challenges require new systems and techniques for developing applications that are able to: (i) collect data from the numerous data sources of the IoT, and (ii) interact both with the environment using the actuators and with the users using dedicated GUIs. Given the huge volume of data continuously being produced by sensors (measurements and events), we must consider: (i) data streams as the reference data model for the IoT and, (ii) continuous processing as the reference computation model for processing these data streams. Moreover, knowing that privacy preservation and energy consumption are increasingly critical concerns, we claim that all the Things should be autonomous and work together in restricted areas as close as possible to the users rather than systematically shifting the computation logic into powerful servers or into the cloud.
Toward that goal, we have been developing Dioptase [3] , a service-oriented middleware for the IoT, which aims to integrate the Things and their streams into today's Web by presenting sensors and actuators as Web services. The research work around the Dioptase middleware consists in designing new service-oriented architectures where services continuously process data streams instead of finite datasets. In this context, new composition mechanisms are investigated in order to provide a way to describe complex fully-distributed stream-based tasks and to deploy them dynamically, at any time, as task graphs, over available Things of the network, including resource-constrained ones. To this end, Dioptase enables task graphs to be composed of Thing-specific tasks (directly implemented on the Thing) and dynamic tasks that communicate using data streams. Dynamic tasks are then described in a lightweight DSL, called DiSPL, which is directly interpreted by the middleware and provides specific primitives to manipulate data streams.
As part of the design of such composition mechanisms, we have been investigating the problem of task mapping and automated deployment, which basically consists of mapping a set of tasks onto a set of nodes. Given the specific challenges introduced by the IoT, we worked on a new formalization of the task mapping problem that captures the varying consumption of resources and various constraints (location, capabilities, QoS) in order to compute a mapping that guarantees the lifetime of the concurrent tasks inside the network and the fair allocation of tasks among the nodes (load balancing). This formalization, called Task Graph to Concrete Actions (TGCA) [19] , results in a binary programming problem for which we provide an efficient heuristic that allows its resolution in polynomial time. Our experiments show that our heuristic: (i) gives solutions that are close to optimal, and (ii) can be implemented on reasonably powerful Things and performed directly within the network without requiring any centralized infrastructure.