Section: New Software and Platforms
MIXMOD and Rmixmod package for mixed data
Participants : Vincent Kubicki, Christophe Biernacki, Serge Iovleff.
MIXMOD (MIXture MODelling) is an important software for the Modal team since it concerns its main topics: model-based supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised classification for various data situations. MIXMOD is now a well-distributed software with over 250 downloads/month are recorded for several years. MIXMOD is written in C++ (more than 10 000 lines) and distributed under GNU General Public License. Several other institutions participate in the MIXMOD development since several years: CNRS, Inria Saclay- Île de France, Université de Franche-Comté, Université Lille 1. The software already benefits from several APP depositions and an R package (Rmixmod) has been associated to MIXMOD in 2012. In 2014, it has led to publication in an international journal dedicated to software [23] .