MODAL - 2014
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Collaborations within SIRIC

Participants : Guillemette Marot, Alain Celisse.

SIRIC (Site of integrated research in Cancerology) ONCOLille has been created during "Plan Cancer 2". More information about it can be found at http://www.canceropole-nordouest.org/qui-sommes-nous/le-cancer-en-region/le-siric-oncolille.html . Collaborations established through common articles or funding proposals writings with members of Modal concern the following teams:

  • Univ. Lille 2, Functional and structural genomics, M. Figeac

  • CHRU Lille, Hematology laboratory, C. Preudhomme

  • CNRS, UMR8161, IBL (Institute of Biology of Lille), O. Pluquet

  • Inserm UMR837 - Team 5, I. Van Seuningen

Other collaborations

  • Institut Pasteur Lille, Transcriptomics and Applied Genomics, D. Hot (Participant: G. Marot)

  • Inserm U1011, J. Eeckhoute (Participants: G. Marot, A. Celisse)

  • Registre Regional des Cancers de Lille et sa Region, Dr. Karine Ligier (Participant: C. Preda)