Section: New Software and Platforms

Mass-structured chemostat simulators

Participants : Fabien Campillo, Coralie Fritsch.

We developed in Python two pieces of software. The first one aims at simulating a chemostat dynamics with a mass-structured bacterial population: first with an IBM approach, second with a integro-differential equation. The latter approach is using uncentered difference scheme; the former one is stochastic and so needs numerous runs to built empirical representation of the distribution law [27] .

The second piece of software is a graphical user interface for the previous one, allowing for runs on remote number cruncher and graphical post-treatment of runs.

The need of reusability of these codes leads us to develop them in an oriented programming framework. This work was done with the help of MISTEA (P. Neveu) and I3M (P. Pudlo).