Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Laure Blanc-Féraud, Fluorescence image restoration, 18h, M2 Computational Biology , University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

  • Master: Laure Blanc-Féraud, Image restoration, 12h, M2 ISAB, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

  • Master: Laure Blanc-Féraud, Traitement numérique des images, 12h Eq. TD, M2 VIM , EPU University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

  • DUT: Marine Breuilly, Télécommunications: Initiation à la mesure du signal, 64h Eq. TD, niveau DUT 1ère année, IUT de Nice Côte d'Azur , France

  • DUT: Marine Breuilly, Acquisition et codage de l'information, 6h Eq. TD, niveau DUT 1ère année, IUT de Nice Côte d'Azur , France

  • Master: Eric Debreuve, Inverse problems in image processing, 28.5h Eq. TD, master 2, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master: Eric Debreuve, Basis of image processing, 13h Eq. TD, master 2, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master : Xavier Descombes, Traitement d’images, Analyse de données, Techniques avancées de traitement d’images, 30h Eq. TD, Niveau M2, ISAE, France.

  • Master : Xavier Descombes, Traitement d’images, master ISAB, 12h Eq. TD, Niveau M2, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master : Xavier Descombes, Traitement d’images, master VIM, 12h Eq. TD, Niveau M2, Universitéde Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master : Xavier Descombes, Bio-imagerie, master IRIV, 6h Eq. TD, Niveau M2, Université de Strasbourg, France

  • Master : Xavier Descombes, Support Vector Machines, 3h Eq. TD, Niveau M2, ENSHEEIT, France.

  • Master: Emmanuel Soubies, Traitement Numérique des Images, 10h Eq.TD, Niveau M2, EPU, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master: Emmanuel Soubies, Imagerie Numérique, 6h Eq.TD, Master 2 ISAB, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Licence: Emmanuel Soubies, Images et Filtres, 54h Eq.TD, Niveau L3 , EPU, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master: Caroline Medioni, Microscopie appliquée à la biologie, 20h Eq. TD, Niveau M2, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • License: Caroline Medioni, Microscopy and Cell Biology courses, 20h, Niveau L3, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • License: Alexis Zubiolo, Introduction to Computer Science, 18h Eq. TD, L1, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • License: Alexis Zubiolo, Web Programming, 48h Eq. TD, L1, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.


  • PhD: Alejandro Mottini, Axon Morphology Analysis: from Image Processing to Modelling, Nice Sophia Antipolis university, defended october the 30th, Xavier Descombes (advisor), Florence Besse (co-supervisor).

  • PhD in progress: Lola Baustista, Fluorescence confocal microscopy image restoration, 1st november 2013, Laure Blanc-Féraud.

  • PhD in progress: Gaël Michelin, Quantitative tools for morphogenesis study, 1st october 2013, Grégoire Malandain (advisor).

  • PhD in progress: Agustina Razetti, Modelling and characterizing axon growth from in vivo data, 1st november 2014, Xavier Descombes (advisor), Florence Besse (co-supervisor).

  • PhD in progress: Emmanuel Soubies, MA-TIRF reconstruction, 1st october 2013, Laure Blanc- Féraud and Sébastien Schaub.

  • PhD in progress, Alexis Zubiolo, Statistical Machine Learning for Automatic Cell Classification, 1st october 2012, Eric Debreuve (advisor).


  • Manon Linder: 4th year of Institut Supérieur des BioSciences, Quantitative comparison of micro-vasculatures, Supervisor: G. Malandain.

  • Emmanuelle Poulain: M1 Paris VI. Image segmentation using graph cut and MPP. Supervisor: X. Descombes.


  • Florence Besse participated as referee to the PhD thesis committee of Alejandro Mottini (Nice Sophia Antipolis university)

  • Laure Blanc-Féraud participated as chair to the PhD thesis committee of A. Drogoul (JAD of UNS), as reviewer of the HDR of Hervé Carfantan (Toulouse University) and PhD thesis of Makhlad Chahid (Bordeaux university).

  • Eric Debreuve participated as reviewer to the PhD thesis committee of A. Emilien (Bordeaux university)

  • Xavier Descombes was in the jury of A. Mottini PhD defense at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. He was reviewer for two PhD dissertation in France (S. Rigaud at Rennes University and J. Gul Mohammed at Paris VI university) and for one PhD dissertation in England (D. Nam at Bristol University).

  • Grégoire Malandain participated as chair to the PhD thesis committee of J. Legrand (ENS Lyon), as reviewer to the PhD thesis of G. Brunel (Montpellier 2 univ.), and as reviewer to the HdR of F. Rousseau (Strasbourg univ.).

Participation to workshops, conferences, seminars, invitations

  • Florence Besse made an oral presentation on "Imp promotes axonal remodeling by regulating profilin mRNA during brain development” during the EMBO workshop on neuronal remodeling (March 2014, Ein-Gedi, Israel).

  • Caroline Medioni made an oral presentation on "mRNA transport and axonal remodeling” during the Neuronal network days (June 2014, Paris, Institut du Fer à Moulin)

  • Caroline Medioni made an oral presentation on “Live imaging of mRNA transport and axonal remodeling using two photon microscopy” during the Journée CoRéBio in Marseille (November 2014, CIML, Luminy).

  • Caroline Medioni and Grégoire Malandain organized a pratical on “Imaging axonal regrowth: from data acquisition to image treatment” during the microscopy school MIFOBIO (October 2014, Seignosse, France).

  • Grégoire Malandain gave a lecture on "registration methods for multimodal imaging” during the microscopy school MIFOBIO (October 2014, Seignosse, France).

  • Grégoire Malandain gave a lecture on "Towards population studies in embryogenesis: a cell-to-cell mapping method for ascidian embryos” at a Colloquium Centre Blaise Pascal-Laboratoires Joliot-Curie (november 2014, ENS, Lyon).