Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Organizing committee membership:
  • openVibe Workshop as a satellite event of the international conference on Brain-Computer Interfaces on September 15th, 2014 in Graz (with BrainProduct, TMSi, g.tec) (L. Bougrain & G. Serrière)

  • BCI competition, IEEE Neural Engineering Conference , Montpellier, 2015 (L. Bougrain).

Scientific events selection

Conference program committee membership:

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2014 (http://smc2014.org )) special sessions on Brain-Machine Interfaces, October 5-8, San Diego (L. Bougrain)


Programme H2020 (L. Buhry)


Editorial board membership:

Journal of Proteomics & Computational Biology (A. Hutt)

Reviewing activities:

Nonlinearity, Neurocomputing, Neural Computation, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, Frontiers in Neurology, Biological Cybernetics, Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Neuroscience, PLoS One, IEEE Transctions on Biomedical Engineering (A. Hutt); Neural Computation, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, Journal of Neural Engineering, Neurocomputing,CCSP (Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing) (L. Buhry)