Section: New Results
Highlights of the Year
The year has allowed reaching important results in four research areas of the group: query-based why-not provenance with explanations , minimal query reformulations under constraints [15] , Linked Open Data analytics , and RDF data management in the cloud .
Best Papers Awards :
[7] Query-Based Why-Not Provenance with NedExplain in Extending Database Technology (EDBT).N. Bidoit, M. Herschel, K. Tzompanaki.
[11] RDF Analytics: Lenses over Semantic Graphs in 23rd International World Wide Web Conference.
D. Colazzo, F. Goasdoué, I. Manolescu, A. Roatis.
[4] , [24] RDF in the Clouds: A Survey in The International Journal on Very Large Databases.
Z. Kaoudi, I. Manolescu.