Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Yannis Velegrakis (U. Trento) visited the team in December 2014 and gave a seminar on recommender systems.
Konstantinos Karanasos (Microsoft Research) visited the team in November 2014 and gave a seminar on dynamic query optimization in large-scale data processing platforms.
Tamer Ozsu (U. Waterloo) visited the team in October 2014 and gave a seminar on distributed RDF data management.
Alin Deutsch (UCSD) visited the team in October 2014 as part of our OakSaD joint work.
Dan Olteanu (Oxford U.) visited the team in October 2014 and gave a seminar on modern Datalog evaluation engines.
Julien Leblay (Oxford U.) visited the team in May 2014 and gave a seminar on querying the deep web.
Laurent Daynès (Oracle) visited the team in February 2014 and gave a seminar on optimization techniques for evaluating arithmetic expressions in Oracle.
Sejla Cebiric (M2 intern), from University of Sarajevo, Bosnia (March - August 2014)
Elham Akbari Azirani (M2 intern), from University of Teheran, Iran (April - September 2014)
Visits to International Teams
Research stays abroad
Bogdan Cautis visited Yahoo Labs Barcelona, in July, on the account of ongoing collaborations in as-you-type search and query recommendation in social media. He also visited the University of Singapore for one week in April (Stephane Bressan's team).