Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Yannis Velegrakis (U. Trento) visited the team in December 2014 and gave a seminar on recommender systems.

  • Konstantinos Karanasos (Microsoft Research) visited the team in November 2014 and gave a seminar on dynamic query optimization in large-scale data processing platforms.

  • Tamer Ozsu (U. Waterloo) visited the team in October 2014 and gave a seminar on distributed RDF data management.

  • Alin Deutsch (UCSD) visited the team in October 2014 as part of our OakSaD joint work.

  • Dan Olteanu (Oxford U.) visited the team in October 2014 and gave a seminar on modern Datalog evaluation engines.

  • Julien Leblay (Oxford U.) visited the team in May 2014 and gave a seminar on querying the deep web.

  • Laurent Daynès (Oracle) visited the team in February 2014 and gave a seminar on optimization techniques for evaluating arithmetic expressions in Oracle.

  • Sejla Cebiric (M2 intern), from University of Sarajevo, Bosnia (March - August 2014)

  • Elham Akbari Azirani (M2 intern), from University of Teheran, Iran (April - September 2014)

Visits to International Teams

Research stays abroad

Bogdan Cautis visited Yahoo Labs Barcelona, in July, on the account of ongoing collaborations in as-you-type search and query recommendation in social media. He also visited the University of Singapore for one week in April (Stephane Bressan's team).