Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Project "SOKA"
OPALE team is coordinator of the project SOKA, funded by INSEP. The objective is the optimization of the shape of racing canoes in the perspective of 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. Other partners are the Ecole Centrale de Nantes and FFCK (French Federation of Canoe-Kayak).
Project "OASIS"
The OASIS project, Optimization of Addendum Surfaces In Stamping, is an R&D consortium (CS, ArcelorMittal, ErDF, Inria, UTC, EURODECISION, ESILV, NECS, DeltaCAD, SCILAB-DIGITEO) of the Pole Systemtic Paris-Region dedicated to develop an optimal design framework (methods-software platforms-applications) for stamping processes. The EPI OPALE/Inria is the leader within the consortium for the Optimization work-package (one of six WP), the role of which is to develop efficient tools well adapted to Pareto front identification of the multicriteria-dependent stamping processes.
The OASIS project yields 2.4 Meuro total financial support (one Ph.D thesis, two post-doctoral positions and 12 months internship for OPALE).