Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Rémi Gribonval is a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Signal Processing Theory and Methods (2012–2014), and a member of the Awards sub-committee.
Rémi Gribonval is a member of the program committee of the GRETSI.
Rémi Gribonval is a member of the Steering Committee of the SPARS international workshop (chairman until 2013).
Rémi Gribonval is in charge of the Action "Parcimonie" within the French GDR ISIS on Signal & Image Processing.
Rémi Gribonval organized a mini-symposium on “Dictionary learning and applications” at the international conference Curves & Surfaces in Paris.
Rémi Gribonval organized a session “Mathematical for Image Processing” at the SMAI-MODE conference in Rennes.
Rémi Gribonval was co-organizer of a one-day seminar in Lyon on sparse representations and compressive sensing for medical imaging sponsored by the GDR ISIS (french research groups in signal and image processing) and GDR STIC-SANTE.
Frédéric Bimbot is the Head of the "Digital Signals and Images, Robotics" in IRISA (UMR 6074).
Frédéric Bimbot is a member of the International Advisory Council of ISCA (International Speech Communication Association).
Frédéric Bimbot was a member of the Scientific Committee of Journées d’Analyse Musicale 2014 of the SFAM (Société Française d'Acoustique Musicale).
Rémi Gribonval and Frédéric Bimbot are the scientific coordinators of the Science and Music Day (Journée Science et Musique) organized by IRISA.
Nancy Bertin is a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (2013–2015).