Section: Research Program
Axis 3: large-scale audio content processing and self-organization
Motif discovery in audio data
Facing the ever-growing quantity of multimedia content, the topic of motif discovery and mining has become an emerging trend in multimedia data processing with the ultimate goal of developing weakly supervised paradigms for content-based analysis and indexing. In this context, speech, audio and music content, offers a particularly relevant information stream from which meaningful information can be extracted to create some form of “audio icons” (key-sounds, jingles, recurrent locutions, musical choruses, etc ...) without resorting to comprehensive inventories of expected patterns.
This challenge raises several fundamental questions that will be among our core preoccupations over the next few years. The first question is the deployment of motif discovery on a large scale, a task that requires extending audio motif discovery approaches to incorporate efficient time series pattern matching methods (fingerprinting, similarity search indexing algorithms, stochastic modeling, etc.). The second question is that of the use and interpretation of the motifs discovered. Linking motif discovery and symbolic learning techniques, exploiting motif discovery in machine learning are key research directions to enable the interpretation of recurring motifs.
On the application side, several use cases can be envisioned which will benefit from motif discovery deployed on a large scale. For example, in spoken content, word-like repeating fragments can be used for several spoken document-processing tasks such as language-independent topic segmentation or summarization. Recurring motifs can also be used for audio summarization of audio content. More fundamentally, motif discovery paves the way for a shift from supervised learning approaches for content description to unsupervised paradigms where concepts emerge from the data.
Structure modeling and inference in audio and musical contents
Structuring information is a key step for the efficient description and learning of all types of contents, and in particular audio and musical contents. Indeed, structure modeling and inference can be understood as the task of detecting dependencies (and thus establishing relationships) between different fragments, parts or sections of information content.
A stake of structure modeling is to enable more robust descriptions of the properties of the content and better model generalization abilities that can be inferred from a particular content, for instance via cache models, trigger models or more general graphical models designed to render the information gained from structural inference. Moreover, the structure itself can become a robust descriptor of the content, which is likely to be more resistant than surface information to a number of operations such as transmission, transduction, copyright infringement or illegal use.
In this context, information theory concepts will be investigated to provide criteria and paradigms for detecting and modeling structural properties of audio contents, covering potentially a wide range of application domains in speech content mining, music modeling or audio scene monitoring.