Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Contract with Studio MAIA

Participants : Nancy Bertin, Frédéric Bimbot, Jules Espiau de Lamaestre, Jérémy Paret, Nathan Souviraà -Labastie.

  • Duration: 3 years (2012–2014).

  • Research axis: 3.2.2

  • Partners: Studio MAIA (Musiciens Artistes Interprètes Associés), Imaging Factory

This contract aims at transfering some of the research done within PANAMA towards new services provided by MAIA Studio.

More specifically, the main objective is to adapt source separations algorithms and some other advanced signal processing techniques elaborated by PANAMA in a user-informed context.

The objective is twofold:

  • partial automation of some tasks which the user previously had to accomplish manually

  • improved quality of separation and processing by exploiting user inputs and controls

The resulting semi-automated separation and processing will feed an integrated software used for the professional remastering of audiovisual pieces. New PANAMA tools were integrated in the software developed by Imaging Factory and delivered to MAIA in May 2014, and the final release will be delivered in December 2014.