Section: Application Domains

Smart Cities

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a reality with the emergence of Smart Cities, populated with large amounts of smart objects which are used to deliver a range of citizen services (e.g., security, well being, etc.) The IoT paradigm relies on the pervasive presence of smart objects or “things”, which raises a number of new challenges in the software engineering domain.

The Object’s World project

There are an abundance of research and industry initiatives that have been undertaken with the aim of promoting the emergence of IoT [1]. In line with this goal, the Object’s World project brings together stakeholders from different domains to build and support the emergence of an IoT sector in France and beyond. The project is lead by SIGFOX, the world's first cellular network operator dedicated to low-bandwidth wireless objects. The cooperation between industry and research partners (e.g., sensor manufacturers, computer science and electrical engineering research labs) is of uttermost importance in overcoming technological barriers. This issue is currently hindering the development of an IoT sector. The main objectives of this project are the development of:

  • expertise in the low-bandwidth network sector,

  • low-cost transmitter/receiver chips,

  • low-energy autonomous sensors, and

  • software frameworks which cover the entire lifecycle of IoT applications.

Network infrastructures which support huge numbers of objects open up a range of opportunities for innovative services. Critically, these new opportunities rely on the ability to address the software engineering challenges of this new sector. We promote an approach that revolves around software frameworks. In areas such as mobile and web development, this approach has already been shown to facilitate software development by abstracting over implementation details and guiding the programmer.