Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

We are involved in the ECCA (Exact/Certifed Computation with Algebraic Systems) Team of LIAMA. Our partners are mainly from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beihang Univ. Our research focuses mainly on polynomial system solving and its applications.

Inria Associate Teams

  • Title: Hybrid Methodologies for Quantifier Elimination, Global Optimization, Linear Algebra and Polynomial System Solving

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • North Carolina State University (ÉTATS-UNIS)

  • Duration: 2012 - 2014

  • See also: http://www-polsys.lip6.fr/QOLAPS/index.html

  • Reliable and certified computing is a major issue in computer science motivated by huge needs in engineering sciences and in the industry (aeronautics, railway transports, etc.). At the same time, the need for high-performance computational routines is constantly increasing. It is tackled on the one hand by designing asymptotically fast algorithms which often have the feature to be randomized and/or approximate and/or probabilistic and on the other hand by developing high performance implementations. Our goal is to conciliate high-performance computing with certification and/or validation issues. We will mainly focus on algebraic problems, and precisely on linear and non-linear systems of equations and/or inequalities. In this context, hybrid methodologies combining exact and numeric computation are traditionally used in two separate ways: either exact computation is used to analyze the robustness of numerical schemes or numerical computation is used to speed up computations. Our viewpoint is to mix these trends in hybrid methodologies by exploiting the scientific continuum from linear algebra to quantifier elimination and global optimization through Grobner bases computations for polynomial system solving.