Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Marc Baboulin

Member of Steering Committee of ACM High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC'14), Tampa, Florida, April 13-16, 2014.

Marc Baboulin

organizer of the workshop “Linear least squares and applications”, 19th International Linear Algebra Society Conference (ILAS 2014), Seoul, South Korea, Aug. 06-09, 2014.

Marc Baboulin

organizer of the minisymposium “Randomized algorithms in parallel matrix computations” at the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Portland (OR), USA, Feb. 18-21, 2014.

Christine Eisenbeis

IJPP (International Journal on Parallel Programming) editorial board.

Christine Eisenbeis

comité d'organisation du colloque "Recherche et démocratie", 21-22 mai 2014, Orsay, (http://www.centre-dalembert.u-psud.fr/archives-colloques/2014-recherche-scientifique-et-democratie/ ).

Christine Eisenbeis

5th Workshop on applications for multi-core architectures, October 22-23, 2014, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France

Joël Falcou

Membre du comité français de normalisation des langages C et C++ (JTC1/SC22/WG21) auprès de l'AFNOR depuis janvier 2011

Joël Falcou

Co-chair of the C++NOW conference on C++ http://cppnow.org/

Joël Falcou

Organizer and co-chair of the 2014 Workshop on Programming Models for SIMD/Vector Processing https://sites.google.com/site/wpmvp2014/home

Joël Falcou

Membre fondateur du User Group C++ francophone (http://www.meetup.com/User-Group-Cpp-Francophone/)

Lionel Lacassagne

reviewer for JRTIP and Eurasip Signal journals

Lionel Lacassagne

co-chairman of the "Visual Scene Analysis on Hybrid Multicore" special session at DASIP 2014.

Lionel Lacassagne

Program Committee member of DASIP 2014.