Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Member of the organizing and program committee
  • Claude Castelluccia : PETs'14, WISEC 2014, AFP 2014.

  • Mathieu Cunche : WISEC 2014 (publicity chair).

  • Cédric Lauradoux : Journées C2.

  • Daniel Lemetayer: CPDP 2014, AFP 2014.

  • Marine Minier : SAR-SSI 2014

  • Vincent Roca : SAR-SSI 2014.

Scientific events selection

Chair of conference program committee
  • Claude Castelluccia : WISEC 2014.

  • Marine Minier : CIS 2014.

Member of the conference program committee
  • Mathieu Cunche : WCNC 2014, APVP 2014, ICISSP 2015.

  • Cédric Lauradoux : Wisec 2014, SDTA 2014, CCSW 2014, Wisec 2015, Journées C2.

  • Vincent Roca : SPACOMM 2014, SNDS 2014