Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry


  • Title: XDATA.

  • Type: FUI.

  • Duration: April 2013 - April 2015.

  • Coordinator: Data Publica

  • Others partners: Inria, Orange, EDF, LaPoste, Hurance, Cinequant, IMT.

  • See also: http://www.xdata.fr/ .

  • Abstract: The X-data project is a “projet investissements d’avenir” on big data with Data Publica (leader), Orange, La Poste, EDF, Cinequant, Hurence and Inria (Indes, Privatics and Zenith) . The goal of the project is to develop a big data plaftform with various tools and services to integrate open data and partners’s private data for analyzing the location, density and consuming of individuals and organizations in terms of energy and services. In this project, the Zenith team leads the workpackage on data protection and anonymization.

IPSec with pre-shared key for MISTIC security

  • Title: IPSec with pre-shared key for MISTIC security.

  • Type: CIFRE.

  • Duration: Juillet 2014 - Juillet 2017.

  • Coordinator: Inria

  • Others partners: Privatics, Moais and Incas-ITSec.