Section: New Software and Platforms
Defensive JavaScript
Participants : Antoine Delignat-Lavaud [correspondant] , Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Sergio Maffeis [Imperial College London] .
Defensive JavaScript (DJS) is a subset of the JavaScript language that guarantees the behaviour of trusted scripts when loaded in an untrusted web page. Code in this subset runs independently of the rest of the JavaScript environment. When propertly wrapped, DJS code can run safely on untrusted pages and keep secrets such as decryption keys. DJS is especially useful to write security APIs that can be loaded in untrusted pages, for instance an OAuth library such as the one used by "Login with Facebook". It is also useful to write secure host-proof web applications, and more generally for cryptography that happens on the browser.
The DJS type checker and various libraries written in DJS are available from .