Section: New Results
Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker Models
Participants : Gergei Bana, Hubert Comon-Lundh.
A new approach to computational verification is to define a computationally complete symbolic attacker, so that a symbolic proof against this attacker can be shown to imply a computational proof of security. Following this line of inquiry, Gergei Bana and Hubert Comon-Lundh recently published work on proving computational reachability properties using symbolic techniques.
Gergei Bana (along with Hubert Comon-Lundh) published a paper on how to extend this work to prove stronger security properties expressed as equivalences [50] . Hence, the proof techniq can now be used also for properties like anonymity, strong secrecy etc. Besides being able to prove such properties, another advantage of this extension is that modern security properties of cryptographic primitives are also formulated in terms of indistinguishability, which makes it easier to translate the security properties cryptographers define to our language than before.
Using the computationally complete symbolic attacker, writing up a full, computationally sound proof (and identifying new attacks) for the NSL protocol when agents can run both roles, including running sessions with themselves. The proof is first attempted without any assumption other than that the encryption is CCA2 and that honest names are assigned at the beginning (that is, absolutely nothing about parsing: triples may be independent from pairs, pairing the projection of pairs may not give back the original item etc.). Along the way, we identified new attacks absent of some necessary parsing properties that implementations may not satisfy in general. Then with these additional parsing properties added to the properties satisfied by the implementation, we verified the protocol, namely secrecy, authentication and agreement. The project included graphical representation of the proof steps and the attacks. Type-flaw attacks that can be found in the literature have been reproduced this way, but a number of other attacks have also be revealed that cannot be found with the Dolev-Yao technique, and have not been found by other computational techniques either, although they are realistic. This is joint work with Pedro Adao of IST Lisbon. We hope to publish parts of this work to illustrate proving strategies. The current state of the writeup is available at