Section: New Results
Verified implementations of cryptographic primitives
Participants : Evmorfia-Iro Bartzia, Jean Karim Zinzindohoue, Pierre-Yves Strub, Karthikeyan Bhargavan.
Cryptographic libraries underpin the security of all security protocol implementations. A bug in the implementation of one primitive could enable an attacker to break the security of the full protocol. Hence, establishing the formal correctness of an efficient cryptographic mechanism is a much-desired but still open goal. We are investigating two directions of research towards this goal, specifically in the context of elliptic curve libraries.
Evmorfia-Iro Bartzia and Pierre-Yves Strub are building a Coq library that enables the precise proof of elliptic curve algorithms, and the automatic extraction of verified OCaml code that implements these algorithms. Their most recent result is the formal proof of a non-trivial theorem by Picard: the existence of an isomorphism between an elliptic curve and its Picard group of divisors. This work led to the publication “A formal library for Elliptic Curves in the Coq proof Assistant” and was presented at the ITP 2014 conference [51] . We have also been working on a formal proof of correctness of the GLV algorithm for scalar multiplication in Coq, using the above development and the CoqEal methodology. At present, we have an implementation of the algorithm in the OCaml language and a formal development regarding multiexponentiation, endomorphisms, scalar decomposition and coordinates in both affine and projective spaces. This work is still in progress.
Jean Karim Zinzindohoue and Karthikeyan Bhargavan are investigating the direct verification of implementations of the Curve25519 elliptic curve that is emerging as the preferred new curve for a variety of cryptographic standards, including TLS and the W3C web cryptography API. We use standard program verification tools such as the Frama-C/Why3 verification toolkit for a C implementation of Curve25519 and the F* typechecker for an OCaml implementation of the curve. This work is still in progress.