Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR Songs

  • Title: Simulation of Next Generation Systems

  • Program: Infra 13

  • Duration: January 2012 - December 2015

  • Coordinator: Inria (Nancy, Grenoble, Bordeaux)

  • Others partners: IN2P3 Villeurbanne, LSIIT Strasbourg, I3S Sophia-Antipolis, LINA Nantes

  • See also: http://infra-songs.gforge.inria.fr/

  • Abstract: SONGS (2012-2015) is the continuity of SIMGRID project (2009-2012), in the ANR INFRA program. The aim of SONGS is to continue the development of the SimGrid simulation platform for the study of large distributed architectures, including data grids, cloud computing facilities, peer-to-peer applications and HPC/exascale architectures.

FUI CloudForce (now OpenCloudWare)

  • Program: FSN, labelled by Minalogic, Systematic and SCS.

  • Duration: January 2012 - September 2015

  • Coordinator: France-Telecom Research

  • Others partners: ActiveEon, Armines, Bull, eNovance, eXo Platform, France Telecom (coordinator), Inria, IRIT-INP Toulouse, Linagora, OW2, Peergreen, Télécom Paris Tech, Télécom Saint Etienne, Thales Communications, Thales Services, Université Joseph Fourier, Université de Savoie - LISTIC, UShareSoft

  • See also: http://www.opencloudware.org/

  • Abstract: The OpenCloudware project aims at building an open software engineering platform for the collaborative development of distributed applications to be deployed on multiple Cloud infrastructures.

    The results of OpenCloudware will contain a set of software components to manage the lifecycle of such applications, from modelling (Think), developing and building images (Build), to a multi-IaaS compliant PaaS platform (Run) for their deployment, orchestration, performance testing, self-management (elasticity, green IT optimisation), and provisioning. Applications will be deployed potentially on multi IaaS (supporting either one IaaS at a time, or hybrid scenarios).The results of the project will be made available as open source components through the OW2 Open Source Cloudware initiative.

Oseo-Isis Spinnaker

  • Duration: June 2011 - May 2015

  • Coordinator: Tagsys-RFID

  • Others partners: SMEs: Inside-Secure, STIC, Legrand; Academic: IPG, ENS des Mines de St Etienne, Un. du Maine, Un, F. Rabelais Tours, AETS ESEO Angers, Un. Marne la Vallée, Un. Paris 6, Un. Rennes 1, Inria.

  • See also: http://www.spinnaker-rfid.com/

  • Abstract: The objective of Spinnaker is to really allow RFID technology to be widely and easily deployed. The role of the OASIS team in this project is to allow the wide scale deployment and management of the specific RFID application servers in the cloud, so to build an end-to-end robust and flexible solution using GCM technology.