Section: New Results
On Pairwise Cost for Multi-Object Network Flow Tracking
Participant : Simon Lacoste-Julien.
Multi-object tracking has been recently approached with the min-cost network flow optimization techniques. Such methods simultaneously resolve multiple object tracks in a video and enable modeling of dependencies among tracks. Min-cost network flow methods also fit well within the "tracking-by-detection" paradigm where object trajectories are obtained by connecting per-frame outputs of an object detector. Object detectors, however, often fail due to occlusions and clutter in the video. To cope with such situations, we propose an approach that regularizes the tracker by adding second order costs to the min-cost network flow framework. While solving such a problem with integer variables is NP-hard, we present a convex relaxation with an efficient rounding heuristic which empirically gives certificates of small suboptimality. Results are shown on real-world video sequences and demonstrate that the new constraints help selecting longer and more accurate tracks improving over the baseline tracking-by-detection method. (in collaboration with Visesh Chari,Ivan Laptev, Josef Sivic).