Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: C. Guillemot, Image and video compression, 8 hours, M2 computer science, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.
Master: C. Guillemot, Image and video compression, 8 hours, M2 SISEA, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.
Master: O. Le Meur, Selective visual attention, 13 hours, M2, Univ. of Paris 8, France.
Master: O. Le Meur, Acquisition/Image Processing/Compression, 22 hours, M2 MITIC, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.
Master: A. Roumy, Magistère program, Information Theory, Computer science and telecommunications, 18 hours, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Ker Lann campus, France.
Engineering degree: C. Guillemot, Video communication, 12 hours, Télécom Lille 1, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France.
Engineering degree: C. Labit, Entrepreneurship and innovation, 3 hours, ESIR, Rennes, France.
Engineer degree: O. Le Meur, Image Processing, video analysis and compression, 54 hours, ESIR2, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.
Engineer degree: O. Le Meur, Visual communication, 65 hours, ESIR3, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.
Engineering degree: A. Roumy, Image processing and numerical analysis, 51 hours, ECAM Rennes, France.
Invited Talks
O. Le Meur gave a talk at UESTC (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China), School of Electronic Engineering, Chengdu, China. Prof. Bing ZENG and Prof. Hongliang LI. Title of the talk: examplar-based inpainting methods, July 2014.
O. Le Meur gave a talk at Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. Prof. Qionghua WANG. Title of the talk: examplar-based inpainting methods, July 2014.
O. Le Meur gave a talk at the National Research Group (GdR), Information Signal Image viSion (ISIS). Special session on visual attention. Title of the talk: Modelling the visual scanpath, 19th June 2014.
PhD : M. Bevilacqua, Image and video super-resolution using neighbor embedding algorithms, Univ. of Rennes 1, defense on the 4th of June 2014, A. Roumy and C. Guillemot (contract with Alcatel/Lucent)
PhD : S. Cherigui, Techniques de codage d'images basees representations parcimonieuses de scenes et prediction spatiale multi-patches, University of Rennes 1, defense on the 18th of June 2014, C. Guillemot (contract with Technicolor)
PhD : M. Ebdelli, Video inpainting techniques : application to object removal and error concealment, Univ. of Rennes 1, defense on the 20th of June 2014, C. Guillemot and O. Le Meur.
PhD in progress : J. Aghaei Mazaheri, Sparse representations and dictionary learning for satellite image compression, Oct. 2011-Sept. 2014, C. Guillemot and C. Labit (contract with Astrium)
PhD in progress : M. Bevilacqua, Image and video super-resolution using neighbor embedding algorithms, Feb. 2011-Jan. 2014, A. Roumy and C. Guillemot (contract with Alcatel/Lucent)
PhD in progress : B. Huang, Video compression with generalized lifting, Apr. 2012-March 2015, C. Guillemot (Cifre contract with Orange)
PhD in progress : D. Khaustova, Objective evaluation of 3D video quality, Dec. 2011-Nov. 2014, O. Le Meur (Cifre contract with Orange)
PhD in progress : M. Alain, Spatio-temporal linear embedding for epitome-based video compression, Oct. 2012-Sept. 2015, C. Guillemot (Cifre contract with Technicolor)
PhD in progress : N. Dhollande, HEVC codec optimization based on content pre-analysis, Oct. 2012-Sept. 2015, O. Le Meur and C. Guillemot (Cifre contract with Thomson Video Networks)
PhD in progress : M. Le Pendu, HDR video compression, Dec. 2012-Nov. 2015, C. Guillemot (Cifre contract with Technicolor)
PhD in progress : Julio-Cesar Ferreira, multi-view super-resolution, Oct. 2013-March 2015, C. Guillemot, G. Carrijo, E. Da Silva (Co-tutelle with University of Uberlandia, Brazil).
PhD in progress: D. Gommelet, LDR-compatible HDR video compression, Oct. 2014- Sept. 2017, C. Guillemot and A. Roumy (Cifre contract with Envivio).
C. Guillemot has been member (rapporteur) of the jury of the PhD committee of:
C. Guillemot has been member (president) of the jury of the PhD committee of:
O. Le Meur has been member (as examiner) of the jury of the PhD committee of:
A. Roumy has been member (as examiner) of the jury of the PhD committee of: