Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


SMIS is a joint project-team with University of Versailles St-Quentin (UVSQ) and CNRS. Hence SMIS members are naturally deeply involved in teaching.

Besides academic teaching, SMIS has set up a software and hardware platform named 'PDIS- Privacy by Design Information System' which is used to conduct programming activities with Master and Engineer students. This platform capitalizes on the PlugDB engine. It is now available at ENSIIE and INSA Centre Val de Loire engineer schools and at UVSQ. It is also being integrated in the UVSQ FabLab (VSL - Versailles Sciences Lab).

P. Pucheral:

  • Full professor at UVSQ : courses on databases, DBMS architecture and security in Master1, Master2 and engineer school ISTY

  • Director of the research Master COSY (UVSQ)

  • Co-Director of the future Master DataScale to be launched at Univ. Paris-Saclay (UPSay) in 2015 with UVSQ, ENSIIE, Télécom SudParis and Télécom ParisTech

L. Bouganim: (90h/y)

  • Courses on DBMS architecture, data security, database technology in Master1 and Master2 (AFTI, Orsay) and in engineering school (ENST Paris)

B. Nguyen:

  • Courses on Databases, programming in Masters 2 and Licence

  • MOOC on Introduction to relational databases (co authors Serge Abiteboul, Yannick Le Bras)

  • Director of the UVSQ Computer Science Masters until august 2014

  • Co-Director (with Franck Quessette, UVSQ) of the in-house training course for Computer Science high-school teachers at UVSQ for Academie de Versailles

  • Member of Labex Digicosme Master's Committee until august 2014

N. Anciaux: (90h/y)

  • Courses on database internal mechanisms and database security, in Master1 and Master2 (AFTI, Orsay) and in engineering school (ENSTA ParisTech, Telecom Paristech)

I. Sandu Popa:

  • Associate professor at UVSQ. Courses on databases, DBMS architecture and security in Licence, Master1, Master2 and engineer school ISTY

P. Tran-Van:

  • Courses on distributed and secure databases in engineering school ENSIIE.


  • PhD in progress : Quoc-Cuong To, Secure Global Computations on Personal Data Servers, since October 2012, co-supervised by Benjamin Nguyen and Philippe Pucheral

  • PhD in progress : Saliha Lallali, Document Indexing for Embedded Personal Databases, since November 2012, co-supervised by Nicolas Anciaux, Iulian Sandu Popa and Philippe Pucheral

  • PhD in progress : Athanasia Katsouraki, Access and Usage Control for Personal Data in Trusted Cells, since October 2013, co-supervised by Luc Bouganim and Benjamin Nguyen

  • PhD in progress : Niv Dayan, Database Algorithms and Flash Internals, since December 2011, co-supervised by Philippe Bonnet and Luc Bouganim

  • PhD in progress : Dai-Hai Ton-That, Secure Management and Sharing of Private Personal Traces, since November 2012, co-supervised by Iulian Sandu Popa and Karine Zeitouni (Univ. of Versailles)

  • PhD in progress : Paul Tran Van, Secure Data Sharing in Personal Cloud, since October 2014, Co-supervised by Benjamin André (Cozy Cloud), Philippe Pucheral and Nicolas Anciaux.


P. Pucheral:

  • PhD committee member (president) of Sara Hachem (UVSQ, February 2014)

  • HDR reviewer of Sébastien Gambs (U. Rennes 1, June 2014)

  • HDR committee member (president) of Sophie Chabridon (Télécom SudParis, November 2014)

  • HDR committee member of Nicolas Anciaux (UVSQ, December 2014)

  • HDR committee member of Sofian Maabout (U. Bordeaux, December 14).

L. Bouganim:

  • PhD committee member of Matteo Casalino (Univ. Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, July 2014)

  • PhD committee member of Jean-Pierre Lozi (UPMC, Paris 6, July 2014).

  • PhD reviewer of Pierre Olivier (Université de Bretagne Sud, December 2014).

  • HDR tutor of Nicolas Anciaux (UVSQ, December 2014).