Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Management positions in scientific organisations
THRaSH, Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics workshop: Anne Auger, member of Steering Committee
ACM SIGEVO (Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation), Marc Schoenauer, member of Executive Board since 2000, officer (Secretary) since 2012; member of Business Committe (2011-2013). Anne Auger, member of Executive Board since 2011.
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature: Marc Schoenauer, Member of Steering Committee, (since 1998).
PASCAL NoE (Pattern Analysis, Statistical modelling, Computational Learning), Michèle Sebag, member of the Steering Committee (PASCAL 2004-2008; PASCAL2, 2009-2013).
European Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery from Databases Steering Committee, Michèle Sebag, member since 2010;
LION (Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN), Marc Schoenauer, member of the Steering Committee since 2012,
Marc Schoenauer, Honorary Adjunct Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Australia (2009-2015).
Michèle Sebag, member of the CoNRS; Senior Advisory Board CHIST-ERA; member of the CSFRS (Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et Recherche Stratégique);
EA – Association Evolution Artificielle: Marc Schoenauer, founding president, now member of Advisory Committee. Anne Auger, member of Executive Commitee since 2008.
Université Paris-Sud
Jamal Atif, “Directeur d'études” at Computer Science department of IUT d'Orsay ; membre de la CCSU 27 (membre du Bureau) since 2012; membre élu au conseil d'Institut, IUT d'Orsay ; membre du Bureau du département Informatique de l'IUT d'Orsay since 2011.
Anne Auger, membre du Conseil du Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique since 2012;
Philippe Caillou, membre élu du Conseil Scientifique et au Conseil Académique de l'université since 2013, directeur des études à l'IUT de Sceaux since 2009
Cécile Germain-Renaud, elected memeber of the Scientific Council and of its board. University officer for scientific computing. Deputy head of the computer science departement, in charge of research.
Michèle Sebag, membre élu du Conseil du Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique et membre de la CCSU 27 since 2004.
Université Paris-Saclay
Michèle Sebag, member of the Senate at Université Paris-Saclay; Member of the Executive committee and responsible for the DataSense axis, DigiCosme Labex;
Marc Schoenauer, Member of the Executive committee and chair of the Research Committee, DigiCosme Labex;
Inria Saclay
Anne Auger, membre de la Commission de Suivi Doctoral ; représentante du centre de Saclay à la Commission des Jeunes Chercheurs.
Scientific events organisation
general chair, scientific chair
Member of the organizing committee
HEPML workshop at NIPS 2014: Cecile Germain-Renaud and Balázs Kégl.
Michèle Sebag, Senior Program Committee, ECAI 2014; Area Chair, IJCAI 2015.
Anne Auger: Organization of an invited mini-symposium on Function-Value-Free Optimization, SIAM Conference on Optimization, San Diego, USA.
Anne Auger: Organization of invited session on Recent Advances on Continuous Randomized black-box optimization, PGMO-COPI’14 conference, Paris.
Anne Auger, Nikolaus Hansen: Organization of workshops BBOB, IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation 2015, Sendai, Japan and GECCO 2015 Conference Madrid, Spain.
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference Program Committee
All TAO members are reviewers for the main conferences in Machine Learning (IJCAI, ICML, ECAI, ECML-PKDD, ...) and Evolutionary Computation (ACM GECCO, PPSN, IEEE CEC, EvoStar, ...).
Member of the Editorial Board
Marc Schoenauer: Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press, Advisory Board; Kluwer Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Editorial Board; JMLR, Area Editor.
Similarly, all TAO members do occasional reviews for the main journals in ML and EC.