Section: New Results
Robustness and scheduling
Participants : Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Alban Derrien, Arnaud Letort, Thierry Petit, Stéphane Zampelli.
Robustness in the Context of the Cumulative Constraint: This research [33] investigates cumulative scheduling in uncertain environments, using constraint programming. We get a new declarative characterization of robustness, which preserves solution quality which allow adding constraints to the main problem. In this context we adapt the 2013 sweep based algorithm in order to scale and handle several thousand of activities. We highlight the significance of our framework on a crane assignment problem with business constraints.
Characterization of Relevant Intervals in the Context of Energetic Reasoning: Energetic Reasoning (ER) is a powerful filtering algorithm for the Cumulative constraint. Unfortunately, ER is generally too costly to be used in practice. One reason of its bad behavior is that many intervals are considered as relevant, although most of them should be ignored. In the literature, heuristic approaches have been developed in order to reduce the number of intervals to consider, leading to a loss of filtering. We provide a sharp characterization that allows to reduce the number of intervals by a factor seven without any loss of filtering [38] .
Fix Point over a Conjunction of Scheduling Constraints: This research introduces a family of synchronized sweep-based filtering algorithms for handling scheduling problems involving resource and precedence constraints. The key idea is to filter all constraints of a scheduling problem in a synchronized way in order to scale better. In addition to normal filtering mode, the algorithms can run in greedy mode, in which case they perform a greedy assignment of start and end times. The filtering mode achieves a significant speed-up over the decomposition into independent cumulative and precedence constraints, while the greedy mode can handle up to 1 million tasks with 64 resource constraints and 2 million precedences. These algorithms were implemented in both CHOCO and SICStus [21] .