Section: New Results

Automated Reasoning

  • In the context of the BWare project, aiming at using Why3 and Alt-Ergo for discharging proof obligations generated by Atelier B, we made progress into several directions. New drivers have been designed for Why3, in order to use new back-end provers Zenon modulo and iProver modulo. A notion of rewrite rule was introduced into Why3, and a transformation for simplifying goals before sending them to back-end provers was designed. Intermediate results obtained so far in the project were presented both at the French conference AFADL [38] and at the international conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, VDM, and Z [34] .

    On the side of Alt-Ergo, recent developments have been made to efficiently discharge proof obligations generated by Atelier B. This includes a new plugin architecture to facilitate experiments with different SAT engines, new heuristics to handle quantified formulas, and important modifications in its internal data structures to boost performances of core decision procedures. Benchmarks realized on more than 10,000 proof obligations generated from industrial B projects show significant improvements [33] .

  • C. Dross defended her PhD thesis in April 2014 [14] , on the topic of automated reasoning modulo theories, and in particular the handling of quantifiers in the SMT approach. The main results of the thesis are: (1) a formal semantics of the notion of triggers typically used to control quantifier instantiation in SMT solvers, (2) a general setting to show how a first-order axiomatization with triggers can be proved correct, complete, and terminating, and (3) an extended DPLL(T) algorithm to integrate a first-order axiomatization with triggers as a decision procedure for the theory it defines. Significant case studies were conducted on examples coming from SPARK programs, and on the benchmarks on B set theory constructed within the BWare project.