Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners
There is currently a very active connection with the group of Malcolm Bennett, at the Centre for Plant Integrative Biology (CPIB) in Nottingham, UK. The CPIB invests in the development of OpenAlea at the tissue level. This collaboration is expressed recently through several publication, e.g. [57] .
An important collaboration with the CIRAD reserach unit HortSys of et the Reunion island and in particular Frédéric Normand has been established for several years. The topic of the collaboration is the study of the phenology of mango tree. Three members of the team have been visiting our collaborators during the year. This is a tripartite collaboration that also involves Pierre-Eric Lauri of the AGAP/AFEF team.
We have for several years a strong partnership with Ted de Jong group at UC Davis concerning the influence of various agronomic practices (water stress, pruning) on fruit tree branching and production [24] . This is a tripartite collaboration that also involves Evelyne Costes of the AGAP/AFEF team.
A collaboration in plant phenotyping with the CSIRO and the INRA/Lepse team has been established for several years. The topic of the collaboration is to develop a full pipeline using OpenAlea 2.0 on plant phenotyping platforms. This is a joint collaboration with UMR LEPSE in Montpellier (François Tardieu).
A collaboration started in the last two years with the group of Henrik Jönsson of the Sainsbury Lab, Cambridge, UK. The collaboration is related to several modeling projects in the context of shoot apical and flower meristems development, with a particular focus on the use of quantitative 3D reconstructions of meristem structures. Yassin Refahi from the Sainsbury Lab is regularly paying visits to Montpellier. The Virtual Plants team is also regularly invited to Cambridge.
Participation In other International Programs
We propose to elucidate the basis for positional information by hormones during plant morphogenesis. While it is known that cell fate decisions require simultaneous input from multiple hormones, to-date a precise understanding of how these signals are coordinated and act together to drive morphogenesis does not exist. Our limited mechanistic understanding is largely due to the difficulty to quantify the distribution of these small molecules in space and time. To explore this fundamental question, we will exploit recent advances in synthetic biology to engineer an RNA-based biosensor platform applicable to a broad range of small molecules and in particular to hormones. Using live-imaging technologies, we will use the sensors to obtain quantitative dynamic 3D maps of hormone distributions and relate these maps to the spatio-temporal distribution of cell identities, both during normal morphogenesis and upon perturbations of hormone levels. This analysis will be done on the shoot apical meristem, one of the bestcharacterized developmental systems in higher plants. In this context, mathematical approaches will be essential to analyze and establish a predictive model for how multiple hormones influence cell fate in a spatio-temporal manner.