Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
general chair, scientific chair
Yann Guédon was the chair of the Agropolis workshop: Modeling plant development from the cellular to the organ scale (Montpellier, March 27-28th).
member of the organizing committee
Christophe Godin is a member of the scientific board of the FSPM series of conferences.
Christophe Godin is co-organizing with Patrick Lemaire the "interdisciplinary spring school on plant and animal morphogenesis", gathering students and professors during one week of lectures, debates and practicals.
Scientific events selection
member of the conference program committee
Sarah Cohen-Boulakia is member of the following PC Conferences : SIGMOD 2015, ICDE 2015, DILS 2014 (Data integration in the life sciences), BPM 2015 (Business Process Management) and PC Workshops : TAPP (Theory and Practice of Provenance) 2014 and 2015, Sweet 2014 (Int. sigmod Workshop on scalable workflow enactment engines and technologies), BeyondMR 2015 (ICDT workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond).
Frédéric Boudon was referee for papers submitted to the Eurographics conference.
Christophe Godin was referee for papers submitted to the SIGGRAPH conference.
member of the editorial board
Sarah Cohen-Boulakia is member of the Editorial board of the Journal of Data Semantics (Springer)
Christophe Godin is an associate editor of the journal Frontiers in Plant Sciences
Christophe Godin was a guest editor of the special issue of Annals of Botany on Functional-Structural Models of Plants (FSPMs).
Frédéric Boudon was referee for papers submitted to Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Agronomy and JZUS-C (Computers and Electronics).
Yann Guédon reviewed a paper for the Journal de la Société Française de Statistique.
Christophe Pradal reviewed a paper for the Journal Annals of Botany.
Christophe Godin reviewed papers for PNAS, PLoS Computational Biology, Annals of Botany and reviewed a book on mathematical models of plant growth.