Section: New Results
Highlights of the Year
Publication of a joint work with RDP at ENS-Lyon in the journal 'Nature'. In December 2013, a joint work on phyllotaxy with the RDP lab from ENS-Lyon was published online in the journal Nature [2] . This paper obtained the 2014 prize "la Recherche" in the biology category . Based on the analysis of phyllotaxis perturbations in mutants, this study sheds a new light on our interpretation of phyllotaxis, revisiting the standard model and suggesting that several fields based on auxin and cytokinin with different properties are required to provide robustness to phyllotaxis.
To study and model morphogenesis, the team has been working in the last 8 years on modeling mechanical forces and deformations in tissues in collaboration with the UMR RDP at ENS-Lyon. This work has given rise to the development of a 3D computational framework to model the mechanics of 3D plant tissues during growth at cellular resolution and has been finalized this year with a publication in PLoS Comp. Biology (to appear in 2015). This framework makes it possible to construct models of meristem development, showing how the regulation of regional identities can lead to realistic shape development by dynamically modulating the mechanical properties of cells. It has been used also to study the influence of a specific signalling cascade (the ABP1-Kat1 signalling pathway) and its putative mechanical consequences on primordium initiation [25] . The expertize gained by our groups on physical models of plant tissue development has been wrapped up in a review paper [12] .