Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • A 4-year contract named ReDICE (Re Deep Inside Computer Experiments) with EDF, CEA, IRSN, RENAULT, IFP on the thematic computer experiments.

  • A 3-year contract with ARTELIA Group: funding for the PhD thesis of M.P. Daou (CIFRE)

  • A 1-year contract with NOVELTIS on the thematic "Développement de démonstrateurs avec AGRIF": see 6.1

  • A 1-year contract with IFREMER on the thematic "Evolution de la librairie de raffinement de maillage en Fortran (AGRIF) : amélioration de la prise en compte du trait de côte et des frontiéres ouvertes en contexte paralléle MPI/OpenMP" : see 6.1