Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • A 3.5 year ANR contract: ANR CITiES (numerical models project selected in 2012). https://team.inria.fr/steep/projects/

  • A 4-year ANR contract: ANR TOMMI (Transport Optimal et Modèles Multiphysiques de l'Image), see paragraphs 7.4.2 , 7.4 .

  • A 5 year ANR contract (2011-2016): ANR COMODO (Communauté de Modélisation Océanographique) on the thematic "Numerical Methods in Ocean Modelling". (coordinator L. Debreu) 7.1.2

Other Initiatives

  • A. Vidard leads a group of projects gathering multiple partners in France and UK on the topic "Variational Data Assimilation for the NEMO/OPA9 Ocean Model", see 6.3 .

  • C. Prieur chairs GdR MASCOT NUM, in which are also involved M. Nodet, E. Blayo, C. Helbert, E. Arnaud, L. Viry, S. Nanty, L. Gilquin. http://www.gdr-mascotnum.fr/doku.php

  • C. Prieur is the leader of the LEFE/MANU project MULTIRISK (2014-2016) on multivariate risk analysis, which gathers experts from Lyon 1 University, CNAM, LSCE and Grenoble University mainly.

  • E.Kazantsev, E.Blayo, F. Lemarié participate in the project "PACO - Vers une meilleure paramétrisation de la côte et des conditions limites dans les modèles d'océan" supported by LEFE-GMMC and LEFE-MANU .