Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

The SHAPEFORGE project (ERC Starting Grant, FP7, 2012–2017) aims at developing new methods for creating objects from examples, with 3D printers. The main challenge with this project is combining approaches that are very different in nature: algorithms from computer graphics which are used to build forms and textures using examples are combined with digital optimization methods which make sure that the real object complies with the function it is assigned. Thus, to produce a Louis XV bench, on the basis of a Louis XV chair, you need to not only capture the appearance of the example but also formalize the characteristics of a bench as well as its mechanical properties to ensure that it is solid enough. You then need to find, from among all the shapes that can be produced from a single example, the one that best complies with the various criteria. The project is led by Sylvain Lefebvre.