Section: New Software and Platforms
Keywords: Real-time scheduling, compilation, ARINC 653, TTEthernet, Many-core, Network-on-chip
Scientific Description
Lopht is an acronym for Logical to Physical Time Compiler. Lopht has been designed as an implementation of the AAA methodology. Like SynDEx, Lopht relies on off-line allocation and scheduling techniques to allow real-time implementation of dataflow synchronous specifications (e.g. Scade/Heptagon) onto multiprocessor systems. The main originality is that Lopht takes a compilation-like approach based on:
Precise modeling of its implementation platforms. For this reason, Lopht targets novel, more complex architectures such as many-core chips and time-triggered embedded systems based on standards such as ARINC 653 and TTEthernet.
Taking into account complex non-functional specifications covering real-time (release dates and deadlines possibly different from period, major time frame, end-to-end flow constraints), ARINC 653 partitioning, the possibility to preempt or not each task, and finally SynDEx-like allocation
Tight integration of program analysis, scheduling, and optimization approaches coming from 3 research fields (real-time scheduling, compilation, and synchronous languages) to improve the efficiency of resulting implementations while ensuring functional correctness, the respect of non-functional requirements, and scalability.
Functional Description Lopht is a software tool similar in functioning to a compiler. It takes as input one file defining the functional and non-functional specification of a system (including a model of the execution platform and non-functional requirements). It automatically produces all files needed to build a running implementation (the C code for each processor cores and the configuration files).