AOSTE - 2015
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Parametric and Non-Parametric Statistics for Program Performance Analysis and Comparison

Participant : Sid Touati.

This research activity is a continuation of our joint research effort with Julien Worms, Assistant Professor at University of Versailles Saint-Quentin (UVSQ), dealing with statistical program performance analysis and comparison, in presence of performance variability. In the previous study (called Speedup-Test), we gave a rigorous statistical methodology for analysis of program speedups based on mean or median performance metrics: execution time, energy consumption, etc. However mean or median observed performances do not always reflect the user's feeling of performance, especially when the performances are really unstable. In the current study, we propose additional precise performance metrics, based on performance modeling using gaussian mixtures. We explore the difference between parametric and non parametric statistics applied on program performance analysis. Our additional statistical metrics for analysing and comparing program performances give to the user more precise decision tools to select best code versions, not necessarily based on mean or median numbers. Also, we provide a new metric to estimate performance variability based on gaussian mixture model. Our statistical methods are implemented in R, and distributed as open source code. A research report is under completion, before submission as article.