Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

CIFRE PhD Fellowships

Neurelec/Oticon Medical

The work of Thomas Demarcy, Segmentation and anatomic variability of the cochlea and other temporal bone structures from medical images, is supported by a PhD fellowship from the Neurelec/Oticon Medical company.

Inria - Mauna Kea Technologies I-Lab SIWA

Participants : Nicholas Ayache [correspondent] , Xavier Pennec, Marzieh Kohandani Tafreshi, Rémi Cuingnet.

This I-lab involves the Mauna Kea Technologies company.

The first focus of this I-lab is to develop efficient and friendly content-based image retrieval (CBIR) tools to help users make a diagnosis. The second focus is on image registration to provide near real-time and robust image registration tools built on GPU implementations for image stabilization and super-resolution since it is a critical method for the smart atlas.

For more information, see this link (https://lisa.sophia.inria.fr/siwa-loasis-numerique-dinria-et-de-mauna-kea-706.html ).

Microsoft Research

Microsoft Research is funding through the Inria-Microsoft joint lab the projects "4D Cardiac MR Images" (http://www.msr-inria.fr/projects/4d-cardiac-mr-images ) and "Medilearn" (http://www.msr-inria.fr/projects/medilearn ) which aim at analyzing large databases of cardiac images to help the diagnosis of cardiac diseases and planning of therapy. This project involves A. Crimisi from MSR and partially funds the PhDs of Loic Le Folgoc and Jan Margeta, as well as the post doctoral stay of Hervé Lombaert.

Spin-off company Therapixel

Therapixel (http://www.therapixel.com/ ) is a spin-off of the Asclepios (Inria Sophia Antipolis) and Parietal (Inria Saclay) project teams founded in 2013. Therapixel makes surgical information systems. It relies on depth sensing, advanced software processing and innovative user interfaces to provide touchless control of the computer. This technology allows for a direct control of the computer, which sterility constraints made impractical in the past. In 2015, Therapixel obtained the CE marking of its product on touchless visualization of medical images.

Other contracts

Contracts with Philips and Siemens are described in our previous activity reports.