Section: Application Domains
Pervasive Systems
Pervasive systems are another class of systems raising interesting challenges in terms of software structuring. Such systems are highly concurrent and distributed. Moreover, they assume a high-level of mobility and context-aware interactions between numerous and heterogeneous devices (laptops, PDAs, smartphones, cameras, electronic appliances...). Programming such systems requires proper support for handling various interfering concerns like software customization and evolution, security, privacy, context-awareness... Additionally, service composition occurs spontaneously at runtime.
Like Pervasive systems, Internet of thing is a major theme of these last ten years. Many research works has been led on the whole chain, from communicating sensors to big data management, through communication middlewares. Few of these works have addressed the problem of gathered data access.
The more a sensor networks senses various data, the more the users panel is heterogeneous. Such an heterogeneity leads to a major problem about data modeling: for each user, to aim at precisely addressing his needs and his needs only; ie to avoid a data representation which would overwhelm the user with all the data sensed from the network, regardless if he needs it or not. To leverage this issue, we propose in [24] , [35] a multitree modeling for sensor networks which addresses each of these specific usages.With this modeling comes a domain specific language (DSL) which allows users to manipulate, parse and aggregate information from the sensors.
In 2014, we have extended the language EScala, which integrates reactive programming through events with aspect-oriented and object-oriented mechanisms, see Sec. 7.3 .