Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
We organized the first EvoEvo workshop as a satellite meeting of the 2015 ECAL conference ( ), July, York, UK (G. Beslon, C. Knibbe, co-organizers).
Workshop “Molecule Trajectories in Cellular Spaces: promoting interactions between theoreticians and experimentalists” ( ), November, Lyon (H. Berry, organizer)
Annual CNRS-INRA thematic school “EIEFB: Ecole interdisciplinaire d'echanges et de formation en biologie” ( ), June, Villers-sur-Mer (H. Berry, co-organizer)
Member of the organizing committees
Bis-annual CNRS thematic school “CompSysBio: Advanced Lecture Course on Computational Systems Biology” ( ), Autrans (H. Berry, G. Beslon)
“EvoLyon 2015: Conference Lyonnaise sur l'evolution” ( ), Lyon (G. Beslon)
International Conference on Systems Biology, “LyonSysBio 2015” ( ), Lyon (G. Beslon)
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
Conférence en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système “COMPASS” ( ) Lille (J. Rouzaud-Cornabas)
13th European Conference on Artificial Life “ECAL 2015” ( ), York, UK (G. Beslon, C. Knibbe)
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) ( ), Atlantic City, NJ, USA (C. Rigotti)
RECOMB-Comparative Genomics, 2015 ( ), Frankfurt, Germany (E. Tannier)
Member of the editorial boards
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
In 2015, Beagle members have reviewed numerous papers for international journals, including PLoS Comput Biol, Frontiers Synaptic Neuroscience, Frontiers Computational Neuroscience, J Comput Neurosci, J Theor Biol, New J Physics, Systematic Biology, BMC Bioinformatics, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing....
Invited talks
H. Berry gave invited talks at the Quantitative BioImaging 2015 conference (Paris), the NYU Adu-Dhabi Workshop on Computational Neuroscience (Abu-Dhabi) and the Neuron-Glia Interactions Workshop of the European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience (Paris) as well as invited seminars in the following labs / groups: Center for Mathematical Medecine and Biology (Nottingham, UK), Phlam (Lille), Laboratoire de bioenergetique fondamentale et appliquee (Grenoble) and Centre de Recherche en Neurobiologie et Neurophysiologie (Marseille).
G. Beslon has been invited to give seminars at the Basel Biozentrum (Switzerland), at the UTH Zurich systems biology doctoral program (Switzerland), at the Evolutionary Algorithms conference (Lyon), at the BioVision days (Lyon) and at the Laboratoire de Biologie Quantitative et Computationnelle (UPMC, Paris).
H. Soula gave an invited talk to the Workshop “Molecule Trajectories in Cellular Spaces: promoting interactions between theoreticians and experimentalists” in Lyon and an invited seminar at the Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LRI), Orsay.
E. Tannier was invited to give a series of 4 lectures at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada and gave invited talks to the "Phylogenetic Networks" conference (Singapore). He was also invited to give seminars at the Biosticker seminar (Nantes), to the G-Scop lab (Grenoble) and during the interdisciplinary meeting "evolution of genomes and languages" (Lyon).
Scientific expertise
Evaluation committee for the calls for funding “Systems Biology and cancer” of the “ITMO Cancer” (H. Berry)
Science Steering Committee of the Rhone-Alpes Complex Systems Institute (IXXI) ( ) (H. Berry)
Scientific board of CNRS GdR MIV (Microscopie et Imagerie du Vivant, GdR 2588, ) (H. Berry)
Research administration
Comite National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS, Section 6 (G. Beslon, member)
Comite National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS, Section 51 (G. Beslon, member)
Inria Administration council (Conseil d'Administration, E. Tannier, member)
Inria Scientific board (Conseil scientifique, H. Berry, member)
Inria “Symposium committee” (E. Tannier, scientific director)
Inria Grenoble-Rhone Alpes hiring committee for “young researchers" (CR2) (H. Berry, head of the committee)
Inria Grenoble-Rhone Alpes Comite de Developpement Technologique (CDT) (C. Knibbe, member)
Selection committee of section 64 at INSA de Lyon (H. Soula)
Inria hiring committee for “senior researchers" (DR2) (H. Berry, member)
Conseil de Laboratoire LIRIS lab (UMR 5205 CNRS) (G. Beslon, C. Knibbe, members)