Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners

Beagle collaborates with two american laboratories: the Theunissen Lab (UC Berkeley, CA, http://theunissen.berkeley.edu/publications.html ) and the Blackwell lab (George Mason Univ., VA, http://krasnow1.gmu.edu/CENlab/index.html ). Those labs are the partners of the two ANR-NSF-NIH grants we were awarded (cf “ANR” section above).

Participation In other International Programs

The Beagle team is part of the LIA (Laboratoire International Associé) EvoAct (Evolution in action with living and artificial organisms). EvoAct is a joint laboratory gathering researchers from Dominique Schneider team (UJF, LAPM, UMR CNRS 5163, France), Rich Lenski team (Michigan State University, Beacon center, US) and the Beagle team.